© 2019 Touch Asia Group
Touch Asia Group
Touch Asia Groupは、アジアを中心に世界の魅力に触れる機会を創造することを目的とした
Touch Asia Group is an expanding Asia-focused investment and incubation business that aims to create
opportunities for interaction with global attractions.
Touch Asia Groupのグループ企業を通じて、これまで香港、シンガポール、日本、ベトナム、タイ、フィリピン、ロシア、ミャンマーにて投資・インキュベーション事業を展開してきました。
アジアを中心に世界中で魅力的な市場機会を探し、その事業を創造したい、あるいは創造できる可能性のある人材を発掘すると同時に、 必要な資源(資金、ソフトウェア、コミュニケーション、アカウンティング、人的資源、パートナー、宿泊施設、飲食)をグループに所属する企業から提供をし、あらゆる角度から投資先をハンズオンで支援します。
Through the grouped companies of the Touch Asia Group, the Group has expanded its investment and incubation business into Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Russia and Myanmar.
Touch Asia Group seeks out attractive market opportunities around the world, with a focus on Asia, discovering talented individuals with the desire or capability to build enterprises. At the same time, the businesses belonging to the Group support investments from every angle in a hands-on way by providing them with necessary resources (funding, software, communications, accounting, human resources, partnering, lodging facilities, food and drink.)
For the secure growth of the companies that the Group invests in, we share the various enterprises and functions of existing Group members via OEM, while expanding “co-creation & management”, mutual incubation (shared growth) by building enterprises through cooperation.
Investment Plans
ソフトウェア開発 / ライフサイエンス・バイオ / 株式投資型クラウドファンディング / アグリ・フード / コンテンツライセンス / 翻訳通訳 / ホテル / 不動産 /
ソフトウェア開発 / ファクタリング / 介護施設 / 人材 /サプリメント / アグリ・フード
シード / アーリー・ステージを対象とした投資
シード / アーリー・ステージ 百万円〜三千万円
Fields of investment up to present:
Software Development/Life Sciences & Biotechnology/Equity Investment Crowdfunding/Agriculture & Food/Content Licensing/Translation & Interpretation/Hotels/Real Estate
Future fields of investment:
Software Development/Factoring/Nursing Facilities/Human Resources/Supplements/Agriculture & Food
Investment Stage:
Investments targeted at seed/early-stage
Investment Stage:
Investments targeted at seed/early-stage
Investment Size:
Seed/early-stage 1 million JPY to 30 million JPY
Target Regions:
Asia-focused, USA, Former Soviet Union
We independently support individuals that we feel are suited towards future management of the Group, individuals talented in culture and art, individuals engaged in societal contribution via proactive organizations or research, and much more. Through the management of our enterprises so far, the Group seeks to contribute to aspiring and talented young individuals in the countries and regions in which we have relationships.
We leverage the beach hotel and restaurant that we manage in Vietnam’s city of Da Nang so that we can share time with creators, entrepreneurs, and talented individuals who are thinking of making something new, providing them with lodging, food, and support for creative activities.
About Us
Group Name
Touch Asia Group
Business Description
-Investing in early-stage companies / Hands-on support /
-October 24, 2010
-Yasushi Nakagawa
Contact address